Image Digitalize your products with printed electronics

Digitalize your products with printed electronics

We bring innovation to a new level by facilitating the integration of electronics in thin and geometrically complicated spaces.

  • Image Capacitive keyboard with a finger touching a switch
  • The massive digitization of analog products requires advanced technologies that enable a seamless integration of sensors, lighting, cables, circuits, and other electronic devices. This not only improves product performance and functionality, but also increases efficiency and reduces environmental impact. Furthermore, these new technologies also enable new applications and markets for these digitized products.




    Leading the printing industry through printed electronics

  • Image Flat printed cable

  • Benefits

Image Light


Image Flexible


Image Thin


Image Low cost

Low cost

Image Robust


Image Low consumption

Low consumption

Image Rollable


Image Large areas

Large areas

Image Sustainable


  • Products

  • Services

Our facilities

In our facilities, we have two rooms with controlled environmental conditions that allows us to ensure the correct deposition of inks and maximum quality in all our products. We also have a flat screen printing line with thermal and UV curing, which makes us highly efficient in terms of costs and production times, both for prototypes and for short runs. To scale the production of devices to massive volumes, we also have the option to print on a reel screen printing line, which further reduces the cost of printed products.